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How GoVisually is Automating Label Compliance with AI

It’s likely that 2023 will be remembered as the year that saw exponential growth of AI in the market. From marketing to manufacturing to healthcare, each sector found its use case in AI. According to Exploding Topics’ report, the industry is projected to increase by over 13x over the next 6 years. 

As AI continues to revolutionize various sectors, its influence is becoming particularly evident in the risk and compliance industry. In fact, according to Moody’s report 70% of firms expect AI to have a significant impact on compliance and risk. The report clearly states that AI will reshape compliance and risk management practices and drive more efficient and accurate processes.

So read on to know how compliance AI’s like GoVisually’s can automate the entire label compliance process for your firm. 


Why do you need compliance AI for your labels.
The high stakes of non-nompliance.

Manual compliance process takes at least 2-6 weeks to complete the review of one label. Despite this long cycle, there are still chances of 1-3% human errors in the labels.This means that for every 100 labels reviewed, up to 3 could contain mistakes – a risk that no business can afford to take.

These inefficiencies and inaccuracies have real-world consequences:

1. Time is money: With weeks tied up in reviewing a single label, product launches face delays, and businesses struggle to respond quickly to market changes or regulatory updates. In this fast moving market, a delay of even a few weeks can mean missing important sales windows or losing shelf space to competitors.

2. Resource drain: Compliance teams spend countless hours on repetitive tasks, taking valuable time away from strategic initiatives. This loss of time and energy leads to 

  • Misallocation of skilled resource
  • Increases operational costs
  • Hinders innovation and growth of the business
  • Reduces strategic risk management

3. Scaling nightmare: When the labels are reviewed manually, scaling becomes almost impossible. The workload increases by 10x, human errors increase, and time-to-market doubles, making manual processes unsustainable. 

For example, if a company with 100 products enters 5 new markets, this means reviewing 500 new labels – a task that could take over 2 years with manual processes.

4. Costly mistakes: Even a tiny 1% error rate can lead to massive recalls, legal issues, and reputational damage.

For example; Green Valley Foods recalls 4062 pounds of frozen meat due to label errors!

In 2023, a food company had to recall over 4,000 pounds of frozen meat pizza due to misbranding and undeclared allergens. During FSIS testing, an in-plant employee identified and verified that the product contained soy, which was not declared on the label.

The recall, caused by a labeling error, affected products made over an entire year. Such incidents demonstrate the serious consequences of compliance mistakes, which can harm both the business and consumer safety.

Compliance and regulatory industry works in a high-stakes environment. One wrong label can even lead to fatal incidents, such as death! That’s why firms need to automate repetitive review tasks using a reliable AI compliance tool like GoVisually’s.

GoVisually slash review times from weeks to minutes and reduce human error rates significantly. This transformation isn’t just about speed – it’s about giving businesses the confidence that their labels are consistently accurate and up-to-date with the latest regulations.


Traditional Methods vs. AI-Powered Compliance

To illustrate the transformative power of AI in label compliance, let’s compare traditional methods with GoVisually’s AI approach:

AspectTraditional MethodGoVisually AI
Review Time2-6 weeks per labelMinutes per label
Error Rate1-3% human error99.99% accuracy
ScalabilityLimited by human capacityEasily scales to thousands of labels
Regulatory UpdatesManual tracking and implementationReal-time updates and implementation
CostHigh (labor-intensive)Lower (automated process)
ConsistencyVaries based on reviewerConsistent across all reviews


How does GoVisually’s AI automate label compliance?

If you’re struggling with long review cycles for your product labels, GoVisually can help. Its label compliance AI transforms a time-consuming bottleneck into a streamlined, efficient operation. Using our tool, you can review food, cosmetics, and supplements labels at least 10x faster!

GoVisually's AI Compliance

1. Lightning-Fast One-Click Analysis

GoVisually AI performs powerful, one-click analysis of labels, scanning them in just a few seconds. This AI tool is developed using latest versions  technologies such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, and more.

It reduces review time from the industry standard of 2-6 weeks per label to just minutes. By automating the initial review process, companies can achieve a staggering 90% reduction in total review time. 

This significant speedup allows businesses to be more agile in responding to market demands and regulatory changes.


2. Comprehensive Instant Regulatory Compliance Checks

The AI instantly checks labels against extensive regulatory databases for food, supplements, and cosmetics. This ensures 99.99% compliance with the latest requirements across multiple jurisdictions. The system’s database is continuously updated, covering thousands of regulations across different markets.

It can detect product labels for multiple regulatory bodies such as FDA (food, cosmetics, supplements), UK (food), and CA CFIA (food). 

This real-time compliance check eliminates the need for manual cross-referencing, which can take hours or even days per label, reducing the risk of overlooking recent regulatory changes to near zero.


3. Advanced Keyword and Claim Verification

GoVisually AI automatically verifies keywords and claims on labels with 99.9% accuracy.

It detects labels for:

  • Restricted Keywords Check: Identifies prohibited or restricted marketing terms and claims, helping brands avoid using language that could lead to regulatory violations.
  • Required Keywords Verification: Ensures the presence of all mandatory labeling elements, preventing accidental omissions that could result in non-compliance.
  • Exact Phrase Verification: Verifies exact text matches for required warnings, disclaimers, or legal statements. This feature allows users to input specific label-value pairs and set an “exact match” requirement.
  • Customizable Tagging System: Allows users to input and manage both restricted and required keywords through an intuitive tagging interface, enabling easy updates as regulations or brand guidelines change.
  • Flexible Label-Value Matching: Provides fields for entering label information (e.g., address, claims) and corresponding values (e.g., specific addresses or claim wording), with options for exact matching.
  • Organic Claim Validation: Checks for proper “USDA ORGANIC” labeling and suggests verification of certification.
  • “No Added Sugar” Claim Consistency: Ensures claims like “no added sugar” align with the ingredient list.

It can process and verify hundreds of claims per minute, a task that would take a human reviewer months to finish. The system is trained on millions of label examples, allowing it to recognize and flag potentially non-compliant or restricted claims instantly. This drastically reduces the risk of costly recalls or legal issues stemming from improper claims.

4. Highly customizable AI Playbooks

The AI adapts to specific needs through customizable playbooks. Users can create tailored rulebooks for different product lines, export markets, or evolving regulatory landscapes. These playbooks can be updated in real-time, ensuring immediate compliance with new regulations.

On average, companies using custom playbooks report a 75% reduction in label-specific compliance issues and a 50% faster time-to-market for new products or market expansions.


5. Multi-Faceted Compliance Checks

GoVisually's AI Compliance

GoVisually AI performs comprehensive checks on every aspect of a label. It verifies mandatory elements, restricted claims, barcodes, QR codes, and even conducts spell checks. The system can identify up to 50 different types of compliance issues per label, many of which are often missed in manual reviews. 

The system’s advanced compliance checks include:

  • Spell Check Verification: Performs thorough spelling checks across all text elements on the label, reducing the risk of embarrassing and potentially costly typos.
  • Principal Display Panel (PDP) Analysis: Verifies product name prominence and accuracy of net weight declaration in both U.S. customary and metric units.
  • Information Panel Scrutiny: Confirms manufacturer information and analyzes ingredient list ordering.
  • Nutrition Facts Panel Verification: Ensures the panel follows required format and includes all necessary information.
  • Allergen Declaration Assessment: Examines ‘Contains’ statements for completeness and accuracy, identifying major allergens within the ingredient list.
  • Product Identifier Validation: Checks accuracy of UPC, EAN, and QR codes.
  • Font Size Compliance: Ensures all text meets minimum required font size.
  • Storage Instruction Verification: Confirms presence and appropriateness of storage instructions.

These automated checks work in tandem to create a comprehensive compliance verification system. By addressing multiple aspects of label compliance simultaneously, GoVisually AI significantly reduces the risk of overlooking critical details that could lead to regulatory issues or market delays.


6. Proactive issue flagging and resolution

The AI doesn’t just identify issues; it proactively flags potential compliance problems and suggests corrections. The AI doesn’t just identify issues; it proactively flags potential compliance problems and suggests corrections. This includes:

  • Allergen Emphasis Suggestions: Recommends highlighting allergens like ‘Anchovies’ and ‘Soy Sauce’ in the ingredient list.
  • ‘Contains’ Statement Updates: Suggests improvements to incomplete allergen declarations.
  • Cross-contamination Warning Assessment: Evaluates the necessity of “May contain” statements.

On average, it can detect and flag issues 200% faster than manual reviews. Moreover, the system learns from each review, continuously improving its accuracy. Users report that this proactive approach has reduced the number of revision cycles by 60%, significantly streamlining the approval process.


7. Robust Version Control and Collaboration

GoVisually AI maintains meticulous version control, ensuring all stakeholders always review the most current artwork. The system can manage multiple versions per label, each with a detailed changelog. This eliminates confusion and reduces the risk of reviewing outdated versions by 99%. The centralized platform also facilitates real-time collaboration among various departments and stakeholders, cutting communication-related delays by up to 70%.

GoVisually’s AI system also provides:

  • Detailed Compliance Summaries: Offers a comprehensive overview of compliance issues and suggestions for improvement.
  • Collaborative Review Interface: Allows multiple stakeholders to review and approve labels simultaneously. 

Integration & Implementation

So far we have gone through the details of GoVisually’s AI—how it helps, works and scales for business. So lets understand how you can integrate GoVisually’s AI into your existing workflow for an uninterrupted experience.

GoVisually offers single-click integrations with widely used apps like Illustrator, Slack, Asana, Click Up, among 3000+ integrations more. The software also provides Adobe creative plugin so that you can share, review and update revisions without ever leaving Photoshop, Illustrator or InDesign.

Using these integrations you can

  • Share for feedback directly from app
  • View feedback directly in the integrated app and update revisions in seconds
  • Experience seamless version control within the app



This is just a brief overview of how GoVisually’s integrations work. You can go through this detailed guide on GoVisually’s integration here and decide which integrates works with your existing workflow.


Experience GoVisually’s Compliance AI for Free

Want to try your hands on GoVisually’s label compliance AI? Try our free Label Scorecard—a unique platform to see how well your labels comply with existing FDA and other regulatory standards. This free tool will also determine the efficiency of our tool in your system, so before making any purchase decision, try out our free tool and check your labels for multiple factors!

To use Label Scorecard, simply upload your brand labels or paste a URL. Label Scorecard will generate a score between 1-100, assessing your label on various parameters, such as allergen info, nutrition list, storage instructions, and more.

Our free Label Scorecard provides an overview of our AI’s capabilities, but only evaluates a portion of compliance factors.

For a comprehensive solution, our full Compliance AI platform offers an extensive range of features designed to optimize your label review process:

  • Drastically reduce review time from 1-6 weeks per label to minutes
  • Minimize compliance risks through automated checks
  • Increase efficiency by up to 90% compared to manual processes
  • Realize significant cost savings in monthly review expenses
Talk to us about GoVisually's AI today!

Disclaimer: While our AI compliance checker is highly accurate, it should be used as a tool to aid human expertise, not replace it. Always consult with qualified professionals for final compliance verification.
Picture of Payal Rajpoot

Payal Rajpoot

Writer and content strategist at GoVisually
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