What’s more amusing and satisfying than happy clients? We’d leap here and say nothing. And as content creators or marketing agencies, we can’t get over how online proofing has made it easier to incorporate client feedback. And just like us, we are sure that you are also struck by this spellbinding facility.
Without a doubt, collaborative proofing has made agency-client relationships stronger with quick access to feedback and revisions. That’s also one of the reasons why online proofing has proved to be a promising tool.
And today, we’re going to discuss exactly that.
So for those of you still wondering if switching to online proofing with your clients would help, here are the 10 reasons to do so!
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Table of Contents
What is Online Proofing?
Are you tired of checking your spam folders to find and organize the emails of clients? Or you’re stuck with traditional ways of proofing content and design that include loads of paperwork and meetings?
Enters online proofing!
Online proofing salvages your time by incorporating feedbacks on a single platform. This means whether you are designing, developing, or creating any content, you can send files and receive client feedback instantly.
Moreover, you can use several online proofing tools, including GoVisually, which would work as a catalyst for mitigating proofing problems.
10 Ways Online Proofing Helps Client Agency Relationships Thrive
1. No Email Hassle
Emails are an acceptable formal source of communication when it comes to sending an official letter or contract details. However, emails are not an ideal option when it comes to getting the file reviewed and approved. Emails bring in the hassle and risk of losing essential emails in spam folders that most don’t even check.
Digital proofing has benefited teams to have a good relationship with clients by eliminating the hassle of checking and organizing emails. You can directly receive feedback from clients with the file you sent.
This way, your clients are ensured that their instructions reach you, and you can work on them accordingly. In addition, there are various online proofing tools like Govisually, which aim in fulfilling the purpose of maintaining a fruitful relationship with your clients.
2. Easy File Sharing with Online Proofing
The file-sharing option has been revamped by innovative solutions that came along with cloud storage services. Now tools like Google Docs merely require copying-paste the link to be accessible from anywhere at any time. This has also made it easier for project teams to have a real-time connection with clients.
You can send the link of the copy doc to your client so that they can check the content’s quality, progress, and history. In this regard, there is no need to share your files through various apps since Google Docs is a cross-functional app that can be accessed from any browser and device.
This way, your client will not have to download a specific application where they can open and see your work. Moreover, Google Docs allows you to set the restriction mode only to let the selective users access the document to maintain confidentiality and options like viewers and editors, so it’s up to you to choose to make the file accessor editor or viewer.
3. Open, Check, and Edit From Anywhere
Having a line of managers to update you about various client project reviews and then organize each one to work on is a long and complex process. Your online checking and editing options have become handy through online proofing. This refers to having a direct connection with your client.
You can deal with your client yourself without having to contact any other team member. As stated above, using proofing softwares like Google docs maintains a direct relationship with clients. Your clients can receive a copy of the document where they can check and comment on the part where they need changes, and you can receive their responses on your mobile device, enabling you to check and make the changes from anywhere at any time. This mitigates the boundaries with your clients.
4. You Can Proof Audio and Video Content Easily
We understand how troublesome it is to proof audio and video files. You can have several alternatives to review and edit written content. That includes even something as simple as the markup and review option on Google Docs. However, when it comes to video proofing, things can quickly take a turn in the South.
And that’s where powerful software like GoVisually can help you connect the best with your client’s needs.
Using GoVisually, you can easily upload video and GIF files and add comments in real-time with time stamps.
5. Clarity in Feedback
The complexity of managing each client’s response by retrieving from email trails is full of risks and decreased productivity. That’s because you need to create a separate folder for each project with the client’s information not to miss or confuse the responses of different sections.
However, online proofing eliminates this process and maintains clarity in the client’s feedback. Your client doesn’t have to wait for hours to receive your response. Comparing tool.
6. Track Changes Easily
Online proofing assures clients that their appointed content creators will not go dark on them. The online proofing tools include features where your clients can track changes by comparing them with version history.
That will also let your clients see that you are working on the changes or not. This transparency has become a promising aspect for building a robust conditional relationship with your client. So, even if you are busy running errands, you don’t have to update your client about the progress of the work every minute since your client can check the progress themselves.
7. Improves Integrity and Transparency
Integrity is essential in any work-related relation, and If you don’t have that with your clients, you might lose the competitive edge. Fortunately, online proofing tools assure and improve integrity with your clients by having transparency in the process. Online proofing tools have a feature to track the progress so that your clients can monitor your performance.
8. Increases Productivity
Your productivity is likely to be diminished if you check the responses, edit, make folders, and organize a single project’s email trails. There’s no progress in such processes. If a single project costs so much time and effort, your team will not take on more projects, resulting in losing clients.
However, online proofing increases the team’s productivity by allowing them various opportunities to manage many projects simultaneously. For example, a marketing agency is appointed for making ads, and the team members will be divided to perform this task.
The final copy of an ad will be handled by a sole team member responsible for editing and reviewing online proofing and directly connected to the client. In the meantime, the other team members will be able to work productively on other projects. In this regard, online proofing boosts creativity and productivity to provide quality services to clients.
9. Save Everything in One Place
What more do you want when you can have everything in one room?. The hassle of creating useless folders for each project and client on different devices is nerve-wracking. And finding the files is another pain.
That’s because, without digital proofing, this process can be tough to handle since there’s so much work going on, and keeping track of your client’s feedback becomes troublesome. However, digital proofing tools allow you to save every important file in one place.
The collaborative proofing tools have features to keep your content protected, including metadata of your files so you can find them easily. This convenience is an ideal option when your old clients hit you up for the files that they have lost. This way, you can help your clients by sending files of the previous work, eventually resulting in a solid client-agency relationship.
10. Keeps Your Client Updated
Losing clients due to lack of communication is another drawback that agencies face. Your client becomes desperate when the deadline is around the corner, and you have not delivered the work yet. That’s why the clients scream for updates at the last moment, which makes you scratch your head to think if you should concentrate on the work to make it before the due date or update your clients.
However, proofing software has now allowed clients to check in the content by accessing the file copies. They can monitor your performance and get updates automatically.
Still not sure if you online proofing tools are right for you? Read how online proofing tools can boost your workflow here.
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Dive into the world of online proofing with GoVisually!
Maintaining strong relationships with your clients can be a puzzle when managing projects like content creation. However, online proofing has proved to be an aid for making client-agency relationships thrive.
So, if you’re looking for great online proofing software to start with, try GoVisually for free today! And see how it’ll be the game-changer you’ve needed all this time.