As a project manager, your top priority is always to ensure that all project deliverables are met properly.
Now, these project deliverables can vary depending on the nature of the project. For instance, if you’re running a marketing project, the deliverables will be different from a branding project. Sometimes, different projects can overlap.
But in essence, your project deliverables must include the aims and objectives.
However, as it happens, many of us (especially the new project managers) are still unsure of what project deliverables are.
So today, we will discuss how project deliverables are important for your brand game. Let’s start!
What Are Project Deliverables?
In simple words, a deliverable can be anything tangible and intangible. It can also include anything that can be delivered and consist of only the objective or the reports or any other part of the project showing its completion.
These deliverables are sometimes dependent on each other, meaning that one cannot work without the other. At times, they are independent of each other, meaning that they do not need any support from any other deliverable.
There are different types of project deliverables that apply to different project types. Let’s discuss them briefly.
Importance Of Project Deliverables
But before we get into the different types of project deliverables, let’s quickly understand why they’re important in the first place.
Project deliverables are the backbone of any project. That’s because they help reach the aims and objectives set before starting the project. Moreover, they act as a roadmap throughout the project.
Importance Of Deliverables For A Brand
Suppose a brand is working on some deliverables, either internal or external, and cannot fully understand the requirements and provide the deliverables required. In that case, it can lead them towards failure. Getting the deliverables ready on time and according to the needs of their customers can help them achieve a lot of success and improve their business. The deliverables required are, however, dependent on the need of the customer.
Project Deliverables Template
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What Are The Deliverables Of A Project?
There can different types of deliverables of a project. Here are the three broad categories:
- External and internal deliverables
- Tangible and intangible deliverables
- Big or Small Deliverables
External And Internal Deliverables
The first type of deliverables that we talk about is external and internal deliverables. External and internal deliverables are different from each other.
External deliverables can be defined as any work that is completed according to the demands of the clients so you can get more projects, and customers are known as external deliverables. They are delivered as an outcome of a project.
Then there are internal deliverables. Internal deliverables indicate all work that is not a part of the business being done with the customer. They basically help in achieving the various objectives set for the particular project. Meaning they help in running the project or business.
These internal project deliverables examples include creating:
- Corporate documents
- Reports
- Keeping accounts
- Doing taxes
They might be required to run the company, but they do not generate any revenue, in all honesty.
An essential thing to remember is that the project deliverables are made for both the internal and external stakeholders. At times, one depends on the other to complete the project you are working on.
Tangible and Intangible Deliverables.
The second type of project deliverables talked about are the deliverables being either tangible or intangible.
Any project deliverable that is physical and can be touched is tangible. Tangible project deliverables examples can include reports, proposals, drawings, documents are all tangible.
A project deliverable that cannot be physically touched and does not exist in physical form is intangible. This can include training that was conducted, or the improvement in response time is all intangible.
Big Or Small Deliverables
The third type of project deliverables is known as big or small deliverables.
Talking about the third deliverables type, there are no specific guidelines associated with the size of any deliverables. They are categorized by the client and therefore depend entirely on the requirement. It is simply what the client wants.
A deliverable that might be considered small might be regarded as a big project deliverable by the other client. It all depends on their demands and requirements.
What Is The Process Of Project Deliverables?
A properly defined process can help you deliver the project deliverables on time, and it also helps the team understand where they start and when they end.
The process also helps them know about the different measures used to test and review the deliverables. Furthermore, it also helps to understand the kind of work that should be done to get the stakeholder’s approval the first time.
The process of starting and ending on project deliverables are below:
Begin on time
The first step is that the team is briefed about everything regarding the deliverables, the type before the team starts to work on it. The team can be briefed about the need for the process deliverables and how it will help minimize issues. It can always be revised as the work progresses.
Define your objectives
Objectives and goals are based on the type of deliverable required from a team. Whether it is internal or external, tangible or intangible, big or small, it will always be based on an objective. Breaking down the objective even further helps to identify and reveal the key deliverables required.
You can now take the approval from the stakeholders regarding these deliverables that you have noted down.
Create a process
After getting the approval from the relevant stakeholders, start enlisting down the tasks that need to be done for the deliverables. Also, add an estimated time that it will take for each task to complete.
Later, write down all these tasks in the project management tool that you commonly use and use the different features of the software to identify and determine the different dependencies.
Track the progress of each task
Now that the stakeholders and the team are aligned on a particular objective and getting specific deliverables, the team can start working on them and track the project’s progress. The project manager can use the management tool to record, track and share the relevant information about the milestones, tasks, and project deliverables where necessary.
Project V/S Process Deliverables
Then there are project v/s process deliverables. Both of them are different than the other one.
While project deliverables are big and they are more client-specific accomplishments. On the other hand, process deliverables are simply the path that helps you create these various project deliverables.
In easier terms, all the documents you make while managing a project, including the project scope statement, project plan, and the entire workflow breakdown, are process deliverables. They are made for the client but are not really shown to them.
These process deliverables are very useful as they help the internal stakeholders and the rest of the project team manage the project properly.
There are some examples of process deliverables that can help you understand better what we are saying. Examples of process deliverables are workflow breakdown, project scope statement, and even the statement of work.
Project Deliverables Examples for Marketing Agencies
The examples mentioned below help to understand better what project deliverables are.
Design Deliverables
The design teams have several project deliverables that they have to submit. These deliverables can include wireframes, logos, branding of companies, edited images, creating posts for a companies social media platforms, and even designing the websites.

They tend to strictly follow the branding guidelines and instructions for every company. Therefore, they also need a speedy feedback process to help them complete their work on time.
Video Deliverables
Like different types of deliverables necessary in the marketing industry, video deliverables are also essential as they help send the message across to the target audience. It is a format equally important as an image.
Marketing Deliverables
The marketing agencies and marketing teams working on various projects are responsible for giving marketing deliverables at the end. Marketing deliverables can be a range of things and consist of content-centric blogs and articles to videos, images, and social media posts.

Branding deliverables
While branding deliverables might sound like an easy type of project deliverables, they are not that easy in reality. It is something that requires a lot of time researching and then creating branding deliverables.
Branding deliverables include:
- Style guidelines
- Logo guidelines
- Typography & Font
- Motion elements
- Brand colors
- Branding guidelines, with other sorts of instructions important for a brand.
Web Deliverables
In today’s time, websites have gone very high in demand, meaning that websites are now an essential requirement for internal and external stakeholders and an important project deliverable.
Web development teams use various technologies for creating web deliverables such as:
- Websites
- Landing pages
- Web-based applications.
UX Deliverables
UX (user experience) deliverables created by designers consist of prototypes, wireframes, experience maps, and personas that help make a great application.

Creative Deliverables
Some individuals work in the creative field and can use that creativity to deliver some fantastic creative deliverables. These creative deliverables majorly include:
- Animations
- Illustrations
- Music,
- Graphics
- Photography
- Videography
PR Deliverables
Events, partnerships, shoutouts, Press releases, collaborations are some of the PR (Public Relations) deliverables.
Client Deliverables
Client deliverables vary from project to project. The project deliverables delivered to the external stakeholders depend on the requirements they have shared with the company. It can range from simply a document containing a comparison between the client and their competitors and include marketing collateral and consumer goods.
Now, after you have understood what project deliverables are and how they work, have a look at the tips that can help you manage the project deliverables more conveniently.
Tips For Better Management Of Project Deliverables
Use these simple tips related to getting project deliverables from marketing teams.
Define the scope of work and objectives
The first task is that you define the deliverables before starting work on the project. You should break down the objective of each project for clarity. It is also essential to get approval from the stakeholders to have their approval before working on it.
Decide the stakeholder position
It is essential that you know if the project deliverable is for the internal or external stakeholder. This will help you plan out the roadmap easily by keeping the specific requirements in mind.
Gather requirements and ask questions
Gather all the relevant information required for the deliverable. If you understand the requirements completely, you will give the deliverables as required by the stakeholders. It would help if you also asked questions. Asking questions help remove all the ambiguities that might be left in providing a clear idea of the deliverables. You should also know the type of deliverables that is required from you.
Divide the tasks into milestones
A smart thing to do is to divide the development of each deliverable into various phases. This helps track the progress better, but it also helps give you a primary picture of the deliverable. Assign deadlines to all the deliverables, so you know the date by which they need to be completed.
Make a complete project plan containing all the required details, deliverables, deadlines, teams, and members responsible for the tasks.
Use a project management tool
An effective management tool can further help manage and track the various tasks for the project deliverables required. 77% of high-performing projects use a project management tool that has greatly helped them.
These management tools allow real-time progress and help you summarize the progress.
These tips are beneficial, and applying these tips can surely help you improve your brand game because there will be no guesswork included. You will have an obvious and precise idea about the requirements of every type of deliverables required for your project.
The team will be able to work with a more clear direction and goals and will be able to achieve them within the deadlines assigned to every one of them.
Key Takeaway
So now you not only understand what project deliverables are and the different types of project deliverables, but you also know why they are essential. The guide also mentioned the differences between other different types of deliverables.
Now you can start by applying the concept of project deliverables to your brand and ensuring that you produce project deliverables that help you achieve the goals and objectives you have set.
Having project deliverables can help your brand to its brand game by providing a faster and more efficient, effective way to reach your goals and complete your targets while simultaneously helping you by ensuring that you provide the project deliverables on time.