Top 5 GoVisually Use Cases

Today, visual content creation, managing feedback and approval processes effectively is crucial. Whether you’re involved in graphic design, marketing, packaging, or label design, GoVisually offers a versatile solution to streamline collaboration and enhance productivity. This blog explores the top 8 GoVisually use cases, demonstrating how this powerful tool can revolutionize workflows across various industries.

Still not sure why you should use GoVisually? We have listed down the best reasons below.

1. Streamlined Client Proofing

Designs and other creative assets cannot be reviewed over emails, especially in remote work settings. That’s why businesses need an online proofing software like GoVisually. This tool will help you communicate clearly and provide accurate feedback on design assets with no scope of errors. 

Using online proofing tools like GoVisually, you can

  • Share transparent and centralized feedback using GoVisually’s intuitive dashboard.
  • Ensure faster project turnaround by notifying everyone on design updates and statuses.
  • Improve quality of final designs using version control features.

Our customers also believe that GoVisually has simplified their review cycle and made the approval process much faster. Here’s what Courtney Meredith, Owner of Design On Edge has to say 


“GoVisually has transformed our feedback and approval process, making it more efficient and collaborative. Our clients love the intuitive interface and the ability to leave clear, actionable comments directly on the designs”

Learn how Design on Edge streamline client feedback and approvals with GoVisually. 


Relevant Features: 

  • Link-Based Proofing: Clients can access proofs directly via a link without needing to sign up, simplifying the review process.
  • Minimal Notification Emails: Clients receive emails only for design changes, reducing unnecessary communication.
  • Comment and Annotation Tools: Clients can leave comments directly on the design, marking up specific areas, which helps in precise feedback.

2. Central Repository 

GoVisually acts as a comprehensive solution for all your project related tasks. You can use it as a communication tool, project management tool, and now even a not-taking app with the latest release of Smartnotes feature. 

So you can use this tool to maintain all the brand guidelines and other documents including designs, logos, packaging etc. at one place. 

Using GoVisually you can;

  • Keep all your documents intact in one place and streamline project management, ensuring quick access and better organization. 
  • Save time by reducing the need to switch between different platforms and mitigates the risk of miscommunication and versioning issues.


Relevant Features:

  • File Repository: Store and organize brand documents including guidelines designs etc. to maintain a file repository. 
  • Archiving: Use the Archive feature to hide approved projects and clear the space for on-going projects. 
  • Real-time Feedback And Annotations: Provide instant feedback on documents, designs and videos directly within the platform. And if you have used our integration feature,  you can get direct notification in your preferred communication tool.
  • Folder, Labels, and Search Functionality: Provides organizational tools like folders and labels for categorizing documents and a robust search functionality to quickly locate specific files or content. This keeps the repository well-organized and easy to navigate.

3. Version Management

Creative teams often need to compare multiple versions of creative assets to see which one appeals the most and can be used for final use. This process is required to maintain project quality and meet deadlines.   

Using the version control feature you can;

  • Improve internal and external team collaboration.
  • Create streamlined workflows
  • Provide transparent project progress reports to the clients.

Relevant Features: 

  • Version Comparison: Allows side-by-side reviewing of different versions to track changes and compare designs.
  • Audit Trails: Keeps a full record of all revisions and comments, ensuring accountability and traceability.


4. Internal review Process

Teams often need to conduct internal reviews of proofs or designs before sharing them with clients. This step is crucial to ensure that internal feedback and comments are refined and coherent, minimizing any confusion that might arise when the proof is presented to clients.

Using our tool you can;

  • Enhance communication by instant notifications
  • Separate internal comments from client-visible comments using private commenting features.
  • Refine internal feedback and workflow to improve client relations. 

Relevant Features: 

  • Control Notifications: Ability to turn off client notifications temporarily while conducting internal reviews.
  • Private Comments: Private commenting allows managers to separate internal comments from those visible to clients.
  •  Role-Based Permissions: This feature provides granular control over user permissions based on roles (e.g., reviewer, approver). Using this feature, managers can prevent unauthorized changes and maintain confidentiality of sensitive information during internal reviews.

5. Easy Integration and Customization

Organizations often require tools that seamlessly integrate with existing systems and workflows while offering flexibility for customization. This integration and customization capability allows teams to align GoVisually with their specific processes and tools, optimizing efficiency and collaboration across projects.

Using GoVisually’s easy integration and customization features you can 

  • Simplify various project related tasks like getting comments notification in Teams, task management in Asana, etc.
  • Customizable notifications cater to diverse workflow needs, ensuring that teams receive relevant updates and alerts tailored to their operational preferences.

Relevant Features: 

1. API Access:

  • Feature: Provides robust APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for seamless integration with other third-party applications and systems.
  • Benefits: Enables organizations to automate workflows, synchronize data, and customize integrations according to specific business requirements.

2. White Labeling:

  • Feature: Option to white-label the platform with custom branding, including logos, colors, and domain customization.
  • Benefits: Enhances brand consistency and professionalism, making the platform appear as an integrated part of the organization’s ecosystem.


3. Customizable Templates:

  • Feature: Ability to create and save custom templates for proofing workflows, feedback forms, or project specifications.
  • Benefits: Standardized processes, improves efficiency, and ensures adherence to organizational standards across projects.


Payal Rajpoot

Payal Rajpoot

Writer and content strategist at GoVisually
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