10 Reasons Why You Need to Invest in Video Asset Management


You might know how businesses store their tangible assets, but have you ever wondered how they manage the storage of their digital assets? The answer is; through digital and video asset management.

Digital asset management is a technique in how brands handle digital marketing production.

But guess what? Production is not enough!

Brands create various marketing strategies on online platforms to attract the target market, one of which is video asset management.  

So, what is video asset management? Let’s further explore!


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What is Video Asset Management

Have you ever wondered how brands deliver an accurate message through their advertisement to the target audience? It happens through video asset management. It is a catchall of digital asset management where brands can store the video content created for specific marketing purposes. VAM is only responsible for managing video content.

It becomes confusing to find and distribute the right content for businesses by bundling up thousands of different video content. In this regard, the intriguing thing about VAM is that it aims to deliver the right content to the right audience at the right time. 

How does it happen?

Video asset management aims to store the video contents produced by marketing campaigns, and then when the content is required, it is easily accessible to be optimized and distributed through chosen mediums or platforms.

Here’s why you should invest in video asset management. 




1. One location for all of your video asset

Wouldn’t you prefer a single place to store all your video content instead of creating different folders? Businesses with thousands of videos produced for branding often find it confusing to manage their storage systems. With video asset management, you can keep all your video content, for example, high-quality videos, including a draft and a final version of your video content. You can find it all in one centralized cloud-based place with easy access from everywhere. 

This system would be essential for companies with extended staff, such as advertising firms or international offices. So, no more wasting time searching via shared files, laptops, or databases.


2. Easy to locate and access 

Video asset management softwares store video assets in a centralized cloud-based location which brings hassle-free access since it is easy to locate. Moreover, to improve the accessibility of your video content and reduce search time, attach more information to them, such as sections, tags, and incorporated metadata. Ai technology also improves videos by adding cached auto-tags for items, language, persons, subjects, and more, guaranteeing that you can quickly locate a specific point in extensive recordings.


3. Increase productivity of marketing campaigns

Businesses choose to use video asset management to organize, store and distribute huge volumes of video material. Without any hassle to waste time by looking for several different videos in different locations, marketing campaigns for firms become more productive and effective with video asset management. Your team would know which content is stored and categorized under which category. This approach will eliminate the time-consuming process of searching for relevant files and go through them for hours. 


4. Easy sharing option 

Another reason why you should invest in video asset management is the availability of easy sharing. The organizations can engage with their sub-agencies for the distribution of their video content. You can share the videos created with the firms, or if you have outsourced the material, the agencies can share the videos with you conveniently. Moreover, you can choose different relevant softwares for your firms.


5. You can get translated transcripts.

One of the most intriguing features of video asset management is automating the translation of transcription. With automated transcripts, you may instantly browse to a particular scene, phrase of text, and much more. Transcripts are also edited and saved into several file categories, allowing your company to reach a worldwide audience with multilingual demos.


6. Keeps a backup of the content

Errors can be made spontaneously. The traditional ways of storing your content comprise a greater risk of losing content. It does not only cost your efforts but the time and money you invested in producing the video material. However, video asset management with digital asset management eliminates the risk of losing content by creating backup recovery plans. So, there is no trouble if an erroneous adjustment has occurred or you choose to go back to a previous version of your video.


7. Allows integration with other management tools

One of the most practical reasons for investing in video asset management software is that it allows integration with other management softwares like product management software. You can use numerous features by integrating the tools. Whether you are the product owner or a third party for creating video content, you can engage your commodity in the product content network.


8. Your content is secured. 

When working through digital means, security is the biggest concern since online platforms are vulnerable. Most of the time, businesses have experienced theft of content through hacking. However, this concern is mitigated through video asset management because it follows a strict security policy that includes encryption. The security of your content is maintained how you prefer it to be. The centralized data storage of video assets allows you to secure many data in the cloud-based system. 


9. Efficiently edits and optimizes your asset.

From the moment your video is imported into editing tools, Video Asset will keep track of it. Video management allows you to edit your videos according to the demands of businesses and then distribute them to the digital asset management from where the salesforce can use the video content. Through these techniques, you know that where your content is stored.


10. Centralized Access

Not everyone can access your video whenever they want. The video management software requires your registration as an administrator, so you can command control by having the authority to permit access for others. The system allows complete control of access and sharing of the content. Moreover, you will be notified of any changes that have been made in the content so you can approve or disapprove them. 

 Although there are several other marketing strategies such as; written content (e.g., blogs, articles), some businesses prefer to market their brand through video content. However, not all video asset management works similarly. 


Tools and Software for Video Asset Management

Several VAM softwares have different services and features, and brands match their preference with the most relevant one to manage their video assets. Here are some video management tools that you can use to manage the storage of your video assets


1. GoVisually

Welcome to the world of GoVisually!

A platform that gets everyone and everything in one place. A software that allows you to work and collaborate easily with your team and share feedback in a centralized place.



GoVisually is the best video proofing online software and video asset management tool that simplifies the process and makes you stay on top of your game by gathering feedback in one place. The team’s proofing process becomes easier with its power-boosting features, user-friendly interface, and 1000+ integrations with other project management tools and apps. It is easier to manage deadlines, go through the review process, and quickly get your video out in the market.


2. Widen

Widen starts with managing digital asset management, which comprises all digital assets. The video asset management through Widen is more efficient and effective since it includes an all-in-one system.




Widen creates your video content, manages it by storing it in the cloud-based secured system, distributes it through different marketing channels, and analyzes it. 

It allows you to place video content in a convenient location for your teammates to locate and share them, and videos can be shown on online platforms that have been optimized.


3. Canto

The use of a company’s complete video collection is optimized using video asset management. The Canto digital asset management tool includes eye-catching features to enhance your asset management. It involves organizing tools intended to automatically store and manage your video archive easier through their smart albums.




Moreover, it makes searching the content easier through their global search. You can find content instantly by putting various filters and keywords included in the manager. 


4. Brandfolder

Brandfolder is not only designed to be a cost-effective video storage option, but it has also upgraded digital asset management to include cutting-edge video management features. In Brandfolder, after video assets have been uploaded, advanced search capabilities simplify locating them.




Moreover, Brandfolder enables the option where you can bypass the entire procedure of sharing videos with your stakeholders, such as the marketing team and suppliers and third-party distributors, using authorizations and custom share links.


5. Bynder

Bynder is a video asset management and digital asset management tool that aims to help create marketing professionals boost their content creation process.




Moreover, it aids in identifying the target audience of your brand to maintain brand conformity by delivering the required content to the relevant people and platforms. The digital asset management function in Bynder is simple to use yet packed with features. It allows you to be efficient by saving time and effort while dealing with multimedia and communicating with peers.


Tips for Video Asset Management

However, using video asset management tools is not achieved by reading books, and it requires practical experience and techniques to master its usage. We have some tips for you before you intend to invest in video asset management.


  • Keep your stakeholders informed

The most important thing to keep in mind while using video asset management is never to ghost your stakeholders because you would not want them to disapprove of the content you have created for them. Keep informing them and allow them to involve in decision-making.


  • Know about your existing assets

For using video asset management like a pro, you need to assess your current abilities. Your integrated teams for creating, analyzing, and distributing video content should be a part of your assessment for precise understanding.  


  • Know your objectives

Before beginning with anything, you must identify your objectives about where you intend to reach. To manage your video asset, you need to know what you expect from using your business’s video asset management tools. 


What is Digital Asset Management and How Does It Relate to Video Assets?

While video asset management encompasses video managing and storing functions, digital asset management is a whole house of digital marketers’ services for their marketing campaigns. Digital asset management manages all digital assets such as photos, logos, videos, audio files, etc. It controls almost everything that includes the digital marketing campaign to distribute the right content to the right audience. 

Digital asset management assists metadata to search your content by putting in keywords. 

The tool has become very common for marketers because they incorporate all of your digital material and can help you get rid of cluttered file directories and unstructured asset collections. Moreover, it aims to produce marketing content through various channels.  


Who Uses Digital Asset Management Other than Marketers?

Businesses tend to make their content stand out and as unique as possible utilize digital asset management to boost their performance for standing out. Recent reports indicate that over 60% of advertisers spend time replicating the existing content.  However, digital asset management allows you to establish your creative tactics for storing and delivering content. 

Only digital marketers don’t need to make use of digital asset management. In fact, various other businesses and sectors use digital asset management. Let’s take a look at the three most important ones.



Higher educational institutes utilize digital asset management to avail robust online presence to provide facilities to students and attract investors and candidates worldwide. It can sometimes become complex to manage the abundance of digital resources gathered from various platforms. In this regard, educational institutes tend to use digital asset management softwares for allowing students and faculty team members to access, export and share files through DAM softwares.


Supply Chain Operations

Businesses like supply chain operations, especially manufacturing, require digital asset management because their distributors and suppliers rely on the metadata of their products. If you think that only marketing utilizes DAM as an intermediary for exchanging and delivering information, no. Manufacturing operators provide the information regarding the most recent product and its category to the distributors through DAM. 



The online business world relies on digital asset management since it automates customer attraction by showing them the most relevant products and services. DAM improves the consistency of eCommerce businesses by allowing them to monitor the production and delivery of their commodities. 

Alina Zahid Khan

Alina Zahid Khan

Alina Zahid Khan is a storyteller, brand strategist, and growth manager at GoVisually. She loves creating value-driven content for creative professionals.
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