Complete Guide to Cosmetic Certifications in the USA: Requirements & Logos [2025]

Complete Guide to Cosmetic Certifications in the USA- Requirements & Logos [2025]

Product certifications in cosmetics aren’t just formalities—they’re the tools that build consumer trust and open market opportunities. With growing consumer interest in product safety and transparency, having the right certifications can set your brand apart in the competitive beauty industry. We’ve created this guide to help you find every certification you need in one place. […]

A complete list of food certification logos: Requirements, standards, and sources [2025]

List of Food Certifications & Logos [2025] List of Food Certifications & Logos [2025]

Product certifications aren’t just badges of honor – they’re powerful tools that drive consumer trust, market access, and brand value. As consumers grow increasingly conscious about food quality and safety, displaying the right certification logos on your packaging can help you gain their trust easily. We’ve created this comprehensive resource to simplify your certification journey. […]

How to design an efficient artwork approval process in 5 simple steps?

Designing an artwork process that’s efficient and functional is rarely a straightforward task. It takes cross-departmental collaboration, clear communication, and easy to follow workflows.  This might seem simple on surface but when you go ahead with the process, many managers end up feeling overwhelmed. As we go deeper into the process, workflow becomes more complicated, […]

AI vs. Manual Label Review: Slash down 80% review cost with GoVisually’s AI

AI vs. Manual Label Review: Slash down 80% review cost with GoVisually’s AI

It’s almost 2025 and if you’re still relying on manual review processes for label compliance, you are at high risk of losing millions of dollars. Let me show you how exactly. And these are just a few (latest) examples we have picked here, but if you check this Drug Office’s latest report, you will find […]

How Costco & Mattel could’ve saved million-dollar recalls in less than 60 seconds?

If industry giants like Mattel and Costco can stumble over basic packaging errors, imagine what’s at stake for the rest of us? Mattel, a toy company with decades of packaging experience and presumably multiple review cycles, pulls thousands of dolls right before the holiday season. The cause? A packaging copy error that could have been […]

GoVisually VS. ReviewStudio: Which is the best tool for collaborative design reviews?

Have you ever designed an entire packaging layout after days of sweat and tears, complete with color schemes, typography choices, and complex details? But before you can pat yourself on the back, the revision process looms. Countless emails, version after version—there’s got to be a better way to get that “final” final draft. A better […]

Get every label 99.99% compliant with these cosmetic guidelines

Did you know that on average, U.S. consumers use 6 to 12 cosmetic products daily, containing approximately 200 chemicals? That’s a lot of potential exposure! With such widespread use, it’s crucial that cosmetic labels provide accurate information to protect consumer health. One wrong ingredient or missing warning could lead to serious consequences like: Allergic reactions  […]

Is GMO relevant for your food band?

Is GMO relevant for your food band?

2 years ago, on Jan 01’2022, the U.S. Department of Agriculture mandated labeling for food that contained genetically modified ingredients.  The law was passed to increase transparency for consumers, but it presents yet another compliance hurdle for food manufacturers. As companies scramble to update their packaging, the industry is once again faced with navigating complex […]