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How to Design a Perfect Product Label?

How to Design a Perfect Product Label by GoVisually

Have you ever faced the problem of knowing what to choose among the many products on the store shelf? Unfortunately, when people have so many options, it is unclear what to select if the label does not appeal to the viewer’s taste or is barely readable. For example, if you are interested in an adorable toy, the label is messy and cramped with tiny words. It is impossible to imagine what the toy is intended for or why it can be considered enjoyable. And then you keep the product and look for another one to use or purchase.

But what if that label actually looked fabulous and spelled out to curious customers? Why is that toy considered excellent? A good label should capture a consumer’s attention immediately and be something that will make him/her happy to possess that specific product.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to create a stunning and informative label for your product, taking readers through its creation. That way, when your product is observable, people will definitely want to try it.


What is Product Label Design?

Product label design is, therefore, regarded as the way or layout utilized in depicting images, colors, and extra texts that may be contained on the product label or packaged material. This entails the following: 

  • Company logo
  • Name of the product
  • List of the ingredients
  • Usage instructions
  • Any other details that may promote consumer understanding of the brand as well as create demand

The aesthetics of a product label are essential because they inform people about the product and compel them to come and feel the product closer. Consider, for example, how the colorful, eye-popping label on a bottle of Gatorade focuses your mind on the concept of a refreshing sports drink.

Elements of a Product Label Design

An effective product label design involves using several features to produce a meaningful and precise label depicting the product you have in mind. These elements are critical considerations that contribute to the overall brand and aesthetics. Let’s explore the key components:

1. Brand Name and Logo: Your brand name and logo should not be very confusing. People must easily identify your brand name and logo. For instance, the Nike Company’s logo, which is a check mark, is clearly seen on all its products and packaging.

2. Product Name: Your product name must be clear and in sync with the rest of the text, meaning it is larger than the rest of the content. Take, for example, the prominently written words ‘Snickers’ and ‘Kit Kat’ on the labels of the chocolate bars, as shown in the following pictures.

3. Tagline or Brand Message: A brief statement, usually a few words, which gives the public an insight into the product you are dealing with. For instance, the claim “The Quicker Picker Upper” found on the Bounty paper towel labels gives the consumer an indication that the brand is the best because it absorbs more.

4. Product Description: A short proposition of how your product works and why it is unique or better than the competitors’. For instance, the label for a Method brand hand soap may state the product as naturally derived, biodegradable citrus-scented soap.

5. Ingredients or Materials: List all the ingredients so the consumer knows what goes into making your product. Consider how product packaging is similar to Oreo biscuits, and Lay’s Crisp describes in detail the parts used.

6. Net Weight or Quantity: The actual extent of the product contained in the packaging, whether in terms of volume or weight, for instance, in ounces or grams. This is especially so for articles such as bags of chips or a box of cereal, where the weight within is certified by the printed net weight.

7. Usage Instructions: Instructions on how to use/eat your product should convey the message that it is wholesome and healthy for the consumer. For instance, the information on the sticker at the bottom of the bottle of Advil might include information on how often and when to take the medication.

8. Barcode or QR Code: A bar code that contains details of your product and can be read by a computer or phone is called a barcode or QR code. Today, it is customary to find barcodes or QR codes on most product labels to help count stock and for use at the point of sale.

9. Legal and Safety Information: Any imperative information that is likely to appear on the label, such as warnings or expiration dates. For example, one of the warnings, which can be found on the labels of prescription medication bottles, is about the side effects of the remedy and instructions on how to store it.

10. Design Elements and Colors: Appealing graphics and visuals, engaging colors, and designs related to the label will attract customers. Consider how the message in red and white and the familiar curving contour of the Coca-Cola bottle labels grab your attention right away.

11. Tracking Information: Any other numbers or codes that you need to use as a reference for the specific product or the returns and warranty policy. For instance, products such as laptops or cameras will have tiny serial numbers behind the product numbers, usually for identification.

12. Contact Information: Your company’s website, email, or phone number. As a result, people can reach you if they have any questions or need your assistance. This information is found on most labels, in most cases written in a relatively small font near the bottom or on one of the sides of the label.


Factors you should consider while designing product labels

When designing a product label, several factors must be taken into account to ensure its effectiveness and compliance:

1. Competitor Analysis: Go through other labels of similar products and see how you can make your label unique and classy. For example, if your marketing communication strategy is to introduce a new line of granola bars, then study the labels of close competitors such as Nature Valley or Quaker and see what design elements and informative pieces they employ, as well as how you can avoid using the same.

2. Product Purpose: Consider what the product is employed for since this will state what information and design should be incorporated on the label. For instance, if designing the label for a bottle of laundry detergent, the emphasis will be on the product’s cleaning ability and capacity to remove stains. Conversely, the same label put on a skin care product will recall the product’s moisturizing properties.

3. Shelf Presence & Impact: Ensure your label is one that people will immediately be drawn to when placed on the shelf. Consider, for example, the bright yellow label on the bottle of mustard produced by French immediately grabs your attention when you are browsing through the condiments’ aisle at the grocery store.

4. Regulations & Compliances: Adhere to any regulation or policy set by bodies such as the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) concerning foods and beverages. For instance, it is applicable that if a particular product is to be packaged with an FDA nutrition label, it means that your label should be able to include this requisite on the packaging in the correct format.

5. Budget: Don’t spend a lot of money on designing and printing your labels; set a ceiling on the amount of money you want to spend. As a small business owner or a start-up, you might have less capital to spend on your labels and, hence, will have to settle for a basic label design or a label printing technique.

6. Sustainability: Skin-care products should use everything that is environmentally friendly and should use ecologically friendly designs where possible. Some, such as Tom’s of Maine, make it a point to put a statement to that effect on their product packaging.


How to Design a Perfect Product Label?

Designing the perfect product label requires creativity, strategic thinking, and technical know-how. As a professional in the industry, you understand labels’ critical role in driving sales and building brand recognition. This detailed guide will walk you through a step-by-step process to create captivating labels that inform, resonate with your audience, and influence purchasing decisions.

Steps to Design a Perfect Product Label by GoVisually

1. Conduct Research

For research part, let’s divide it into two parts.

  • Product Characteristics: Find out your product’s differentiating factors and what sets it apart as much as possible. This will assist you in articulating why customers should purchase your product as stated on the label. For example, if you are designing a label for a range of organic and fair trade chocolate bars, then you might focus on the superior quality of the chocolate and the fact that the product was manufactured ethically.
  • Target Audience: It is crucial to try to get as much information about the customers through research as possible, such as their age, interests, and the general type of products that appeal to them. This will help you come up with a label design that they will keenly look at and develop interest in. 


2. Set your Budget

Determine how much you are willing to spend creating and producing product labels. This means that when considering the materials you’ll be using for designing, the costs of printing and whether you need the services of a designer, among others, should be taken into account. The other important thing you will need to do is set the budget, since this will assist you in coming up with the correct label design at the right price. 

For instance, if you are a small business with a narrow amount of capital, you may need to do away with some expensive forms of printing like lithographic printing. Or else, settle for digital media or use a primary type of label stock such as paper as opposed to metals or having texture to them.


3. Gather Essential Product Information

Prepare all of the information messages to be incorporated on the label of your product, such as a list of ingredients, directions for use, and any legal or safety information. It will make the process of designing your label to be easier since you have all the necessary information. 

For instance, if you decide to create a label for a new line of natural skin care products, you will need to collect details such as:

  • The list of plants to be used in the products
  • Directions for usage (quantity of the product to be applied, and how often)
  • Other certifications (organic, not tested on animals, vegan, etc.)


4. Plan the Layout

Determine the appearance and placement of all the elements within your label so that it is appealing and logical. The importance of the presented information should also be kept in mind while designing since specific details should be highlighted more than others. Some particular suggestions are to use apps such as GoVisually smartnotes to help the clipboard manage everything and to help you better collaborate with your team.

For example, let me create a label for a new craft beer brand that I have developed. The most eye-catching one would probably be the beer’s name, written in a large Neue-Heller font. The brand logo would also be placed strategically to show that this brand is superior to other brands. Other aspects that may be helpful and fit the available space may include the beer style (IPA, Stout, etc.), alcohol percentage, and a short description of the taste may be placed in a smaller font. The label’s lower part might provide information such as the list of ingredients and any necessary legal messages.


5. Prioritize Clarity & Hierarchy

Check your label to ensure that the crucial information, such as the name of the product, your brand logo, and what makes your product unique, is easily readable and distinguishable from the rest of the label design. Always remember to put something important at the top or in the middle, and something less important at the edges or the bottom. 

For instance, on the Jar of Pasta Sauce, attributes such as the brand name and the type of sauce should be large. While, the nutritional information and list of ingredients can be small and written at the bottom or along the sides of the Jar.


6. Ensure Regulatory Compliance

Find out if there are any rules or standards that you have to adhere to concerning your product type. 

For instance, if you are in the food or beverage processing industry, you must comply with the FDA guidelines regarding the labeling information required for the product. Some products may also need extra caution messages about how the product will be used to ensure safety. It is always good to consult with a lawyer or an industry association to ensure your label complies with the legal requirements.


7. Choose the Right Creative Review Tool

GoVisually is one of the tools that can assist you and your team in designing and reviewing the product label you have been working on. GoVisually lets you seamlessly share your label design with other users and receive feedback on possible changes in the same space. The feedback we heard from the customers indicates that it can reduce the time spent reviewing and approving designs to half, effectively getting your product on the shelves within the shortest time possible. 

For instance, if you are collaborating with a designer on your label, the designer may draw up the first sketches of the label. Then, the whole team can use GoVisually to mark it up and then write suggestions using the markup tools.


8. Print your labels

After you have completed your label design and received feedback from your clients, ensure that you identify a printer that will print your labels to your preferred standards. Some factors to consider are how long-lasting the label has to be, whether it has to withstand water, and whether it would fit appropriately in your product’s container. 

For example, if you design labels for bottles of cleaning solutions, it would be appropriate to incorporate labels that are durable and not sensitive to fluids.



How often have you had to rework a label design because it missed the mark? If you’re like most industry professionals, it happens too frequently.


Creating an influential label that captures attention and moves the product is an intricate craft. It requires balancing visual artistry, strategic messaging, and technical execution.

Keep your clients’ products from languishing behind ineffective labels. Implement the strategies from this guide to craft labels worthy of their exceptional offerings.

Design labels that captivate from first glance and persuade with each element. Labels that blend brand essence with clear product communication.

As a professional, you have the expertise to transform labels into iconic branding tools. Now, put that expertise into action and design dazzling labels.

Picture of Payal Rajpoot

Payal Rajpoot

Writer and content strategist at GoVisually
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