Looking for Filestage.io Alternative?
GoVisually simplifies online design collaboration so creatives & clients can ship projects faster.
If you’re looking for an alternative to Filestage.io, you’ve come to the right place.
Try out any plan. No contracts, no surprise fees.
Upload and annotate various file types
Upload and annotate any PNG, JPG PSD and PDF files in a few clicks. Just point, mark up, and leave comments on any part of your visuals.
Share with unlimited design reviewers
Make it easy to get feedback and approval with free, easy sign-in for an unlimited number of reviewers. Simply share your project’s review link.
Keep all your revisions organized in one space
Organize multiple revisions of your designs in one space, all categorized and labeled so you’ll never mix up different versions.
Trusted by 1,000+ companies
Everything you need to get fast reviews and sign-off
- Support for PNG, JPG PSD and PDF files
- Annotate with boxes, arrows and comment points
- Invite clients to comment without registration
- Custom branding
- One-click client approval workflow
- One-click file download
- Resolve comments like a checklist
- Optimised for multiple platforms and devices
- Works with all mobile browsers including Safari, Chrome and Firefox
- Attach files to comments
- Automatically organise revisions in order
- Archive projects
- Comments for team view only
- Control file downloads
- Shareable view link for reviewers