Design Inspiration: <br> American Express Hawks Island

To football fans, parking lots aren’t for parking cars. They are places to celebrate before the game. Unfortunately for the Seattle Seahawks Fans, known as the 12s, there was never a real parking lot outside the stadium. Which means the Seahawks fans were missing out on the football tradition. American Express set out to fix […]
14 STUNNING Packaging Designs for your daily dose of inspiration

How do you nail the first impression? With an eye-catching package design! When you browse through a store online or while at a supermarket you go past 100s of products. And it’s most likely that you don’t even notice half of them. But there are a few that you notice, and you just feel like […]
Packaging Design Inspiration 01:<br>Herb & Olive

Designing a catchy packaging design is no easy task. It defines the very product you’re trying to sell, many times, it decides if your customer picks up the item. Funny enough, you never see a full cover at first glance. Depending on the shape of the package, portions of the design goes out of view. […]
Best Free Zoom Virtual Meeting Backgrounds To Use While Working From Home

Attending meetings from home because of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) outbreak? I know I do. And I really think this is not the best time to display my messy house to my colleagues or clients 😉 Lucky enough, Zoom Conferences provides an exciting feature where you can put up a virtual background to your meeting […]
These BEAUTIFUL Portfolios of Dribbble Designers Will Blow You Away

Dribbble designers are the BOMB. How so? Let’s face it. There are lots of stuff online. And they’re all starting to look the same. It’s like all of these businesses use the same resources for their graphics! Honestly, it gets to a point where it’s just visually exhausting. To stand out, you need to build […]