47 game-changing digital marketing statistics to accelerate growth in 2022


As the world progresses, so do the various digital marketing techniques. In 2021, digital marketing statistics have shown that this industry is becoming more competitive with each passing year. 

In this day and age, digital marketers have to develop innovative and creative ways to provide consumers with a personalized experience. However, all the regulations on third-party-tracking cookies make it even more challenging to create personalized content for customers and clients.  

As a digital marketer, you need to be on top of all the latest trends in the digital marketing industry. You have to be aware of all the digital marketing statistics to evolve with the marketing world. 

It is helpful for you to learn digital marketing statistics related to the various categories and how these stats and data have affected the trends. Once you are aware of how the world of digital marketing is being shaped, you will be able to create successful content. 


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Types of digital marketing 

Before you learn more about all the digital marketing statistics of 2021, you should be aware of various types of digital marketing. 



1. SMM or Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is when businesses and brands use social media platforms to promote their products and services. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and many others can be used for this type of marketing. 

Social media marketing is a must-have marketing strategy if companies want to grow and get more sales. For B2B brands and companies, LinkedIn is the perfect platform. 


2. PPC or Pay-Per-Click

If brands want to advertise their products and services on search engines like Google, Bing, etc., pay-per-click is the go-to option. PPC enables your advertisement to move to the top of the search results by paid means.

PPC is not a long-term option, and businesses and brands use it to promote seasonal deals and sales. It is an excellent way to boost your company’s revenue. 


3. SEM or Search Engine Marketing 

Search engine marketing usually combines pay-per-click and SEO to bring traffic to a company’s website and help it rank higher on search engines. Getting traffic to your website can be a challenging task, but it is crucial in digital marketing. 

SEM, or search engine marketing, combines paid and unpaid methods of generating clicks for websites by using various techniques. 


4. SEO or Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, also known as SEO, is one of the most vital digital marketing tools. To optimize your business for search engines like Google and Bing, you need to use SEO. It helps you improve your website’s ranking on search engine results and makes you more visible to your target audience. 

When people search for something on search engines, most people don’t bother going to the second or third page of the results. Being ranked high on search engines is crucial, and SEO can help with that.  


5. Content marketing 

Content marketing enables you to create valuable and creative content for your audience, improving their experience. It is not a typical way of digital marketing, as it does not always focus on marketing products and services directly. 

The most prominent companies in the world use images, videos, blogs, and more to post engaging and informative content for their customers. Content marketing can help you establish a brand story and personality, and it makes you more likable. 


6. Video marketing 

Video marketing is one of the essential parts of every successful brand’s digital marketing strategy. It is when companies use videos to promote their products or services to their target audience. It can help with increasing engagements on social media platforms and inform the consumers about the product and brand. 

Video content is a versatile tool for marketing. It can enable you to show how creative and innovative your brand is and allow people to find out more about your company’s story. Videos can also be informative and boost sales. 


7. Email marketing 

Email marketing is an excellent way of direct digital marketing. You can send information about your products and services, offers, blogs, sales, and much more directly to all the people on your mailing list. The biggest challenge that comes with email marketing is getting people to read it. Often, emails get drowned in a sea of thousands of other emails. 

However, there are various tools available that can help you reach your target audience. If you send countless unsolicited emails to your mailing list, there is a chance of ending up in the spam inbox. Once you get around email marketing challenges, it is one of the most powerful digital marketing tools. 


8. Mobile advertising 

It is mainly an umbrella term that includes almost all types of digital marketing tools and strategies. Mobile search ads, mobile social media ads, or even television and radio ads on mobiles, all of these tools are used for mobile advertising. 

Almost every person in the world has a mobile phone, and seeing your products and services being promoted can boost conversions. Mobile advertisements are not limited to smartphones. You can send promotions and offers through text messages as well.  


47 Game-Changing Digital Marketing Statistics 


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Content marketing statistics 

  1. 46% of B2B marketers planned to increase the money spent on marketing content in 2020 vs. the previous year (Statista
  2. According to 87% of marketers, content marketing helped meet their brand awareness goals in 2020 (Statista
  3. User-generated content on Facebook affected up to 26.4% of buying decisions made by customers vs. 1.9% for Twitter in 2020 (eMarketer
  4. For 23.7% of content creators, design and visual content is the biggest challenge (Hubspot)
  5. 75% of B2C marketers believe their organization is successful when it comes to content marketing (Marketing Profs




Key takeaway: 

For online businesses everywhere globally, creative content marketing is and will continue to be the most significant part of driving sales and leads. Whether they are B2B or B2C, companies are continuing to invest in content marketing projects.

Each brand has to keep in mind that buyers now have the opportunity to research the brand and products before even getting in contact with a sales representative. Companies and brands need to produce content that will keep the consumers engaged in every buying process. 

The content created has to be strategically thought out and should be beneficial for the clients and consumers. To ensure your company stands out from the ocean of creative content being posted online at all times, you also need to focus on compliance and brand management. 


Social media marketing statistics

  1. According to research, each person spends an average of 2 hours and 25 minutes on social networks and messaging (GlobalWebIndex)
  2. Instagram is the social channel with the second-highest return on investment according to marketers (Hubspot)
  3. 18% of digital marketers are currently using Facebook Groups (Hubspot
  4. Boasting roughly 2.8 billion monthly active users as of Q4 2020, Facebook is the most extensive social network globally (Statista
  5. After examining B2B advertising, it was determined that social media advertising was used by 83% of marketers and ranked second in success (29%) behind search engine marketing (33%) (CMI
  6. At the end of the fourth quarter of 2020, Pinterest had 459 million monthly active users all over the world (Statista)  
  7. Facebook is the primary channel for content distribution for marketers in this day and age (Hubspot)




Key takeaway: 

Although search engines are the most beneficial for generating leads and traffic, social media platforms cannot be ignored. These platforms have become one of the most integral parts of digital marketing strategies for every business. The amount of exposure your brand can get from social media pages is exceptional. 

Brands and companies must invest in social media marketing. Facebook continues to be the platform with the broadest reach. You can find a significant chunk of your target audience on Facebook and engage with them to build a loyal client base for your company. 

Even though Facebook is the biggest platform for reaching the audience, you should not ignore other social media outlets. LinkedIn enables you to get other companies, which is excellent for B2B companies. It is also a brilliant platform for video content. Instagram is also a social media platform that provides marketers with the highest return on investment. 


Video marketing statistics

  1. Explainer videos are the most commonly created types of videos(73%), followed by social media videos (67%), presentation videos (51%), sales videos (41%), and lastly, video ads (41%) (Wyzowl)
  2. 87% of companies and businesses use video as a marketing tool (Wyzowl
  3. 70% of YouTube viewers watch videos to find help with a problem they are facing in their hobby, studies, or work (Think With Google
  4. Adults in the United States spend 2 hours 13 minutes watching videos per day. This amount of time has increased from 1 hour 46 minutes in 2019 (eMarketer)
  5. According to 94% of video marketers, video has helped increase user understanding of their product and service (Wyzowl)
  6. Out of all the types of content, B2B brands collaborate with influencers. Videos are the most famous (67%) (Top Rank Marketing)
  7. YouTube is the fourth most-used social media platform by marketers (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter occupy the first, second, and third spots) (Hubspot)
  8. 88% of the most popular youtube video thumbnails examined were colorful, and 72% featured a human face (Best SEO Companies




Key takeaway: 

Video content has become a potent tool for digital marketing. You must pay attention to the type of video content you create for your brand and products. Digital marketing statistics regarding video content can help you understand what the customers want to see, and these stats can help you improve your content. 

Anyone who is not using video content is missing out on a massive opportunity to make their audience understand what the company and brand stand for. YouTube is one of the most popular platforms for video content. If you are looking to tap into video content, it is the best place to start.

Video content always performs well, and it is exciting for the viewers. This content also helps increase brand engagement, and there is always a chance for you to go viral. 


Email marketing statistics

  1. 87% of marketers use email marketing to spread information about their business (Content Marketing Institute
  2. The average email open rates are 18%, and click-through rates are 2.6% (Campaign Monitor)
  3. 36% of marketers say deliverability is the most critical attribute that should be tested before launching email campaigns, while 43% say it is the design (Ascend2
  4. 43% of marketers believe personalization is the most crucial element that should be improved for effective email campaign optimization (Ascend2
  5. Gmail by Google and iPhone by Apple were the two most popular clients for opening emails in 2020 (Litmus
  6. According to marketers, the most effective automated series to use for email engagement are survey/feedback messages and thank you/welcome messages (Ascend2
  7. According to 20% of marketers, email design improves their email engagement (Hubspot




Key takeaway: 

Email marketing has established its place as one of the digital marketing channels with the highest return on investment. The statistics for email marketing show how successful it has been for marketers and how they continue to use it to drive results. 

Email marketing is one of the best digital marketing channels for you to acquire customers, retain clients, and nurture leads. It is a brilliant way to reach your target audience and provide them with vital information regarding your products or services. You can also use email marketing to promote deals and discounts, resulting in immediate sales. 

However, you must personalize the email before sending it to the people on your mailing list. You should set up “Welcome” and “Thank you” emails to send to clients and customers. Emails are an excellent way of making the customers feel special. They add a personalized touch to your marketing strategy.  


Search engine optimization statistics 

  1. 92.96% of worldwide traffic comes from Google Images, Google Search, and Google Maps (Sparktoro
  2. The top result in Google’s organic search results has an average CTR of 31.7% (Backlinko
  3. Within the first year of publication, only 5.7% of pages will rank in the top 10 search results (Ahrefs
  4. 52.2% of all website traffic all over the world comes from mobile phones (Statista
  5. 75% of people never scroll past the first result page of search engines (Hubspot
  6. 50% of SEO pros say they would pick content creation and outreach, and 23% say they would like guest posts if they had to choose only one tactic for link-building (LinkDoctor
  7. 76% of people visit a business within a day after they search on their smartphones for something nearby (Think With Google
  8. When asked if they were ready for the upcoming Google Page Experience update for 2021, more than half of SEOs (55.2%) felt that they were not prepared for it (LinkDoctor
  9. About 45% of shoppers worldwide buy online and then pick up from the store (Think With Google




Key takeaway: 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most beneficial investments you can make for your business when it comes to marketing. It can help you generate leads, boost sales, drive traffic, and improve your rankings on search engines like Bing and Google. You should be aware of all the latest trends and statistics regarding SEO marketing so that you can use it to its full potential. 

If you want to gain new customers, you need to be ranking on the first results page for Google search. If you fail to do that, you are potentially losing thousands of customers each day. You must invest in SEO tools and experts, which can help you increase your brand’s rankings and drive more traffic to the online pages. 

You must look at SEO marketing as a long-term investment. The money you spend on SEO will help you boost sales for years to come. SEO marketing will continue to bring new customers to your business. If you are starting with your website, you must have a separate budget for SEO marketing. 


Mobile marketing statistics

  1. According to the Ericsson Mobility Report, there will be a 25% increase in mobile traffic by 2025 (Ericsson
  2. 50% of people using smartphones are more likely to purchase something immediately after seeing it while using their smartphone (Think With Google
  3. According to a survey conducted in February 2020, responding marketers in the United States said that 13.5% of the budget for their marketing was devoted to mobile marketing (Statista
  4. Mobile banner advertising is projected to reach approximately 152.6 million U.S. dollars by 2025, increasing from around 63 million U.S. dollars that were registered in 2017 (Statista)
  5. In 2019, mobile advertising spending all over the world amounted to 189 billion U.S. dollars, and it is on its way to surpassing 240 billion dollars by 2022 (Statista




Key takeaway: 

Mobile marketing has surpassed desktop marketing, and for a good reason. Even people who don’t own desktops have mobiles and can become an audience to your marketing efforts. The mobile marketing world has just started to take off, and it is not slowing down any time soon. You need to be up to date with the latest digital marketing statistics regarding mobile marketing and know about all the trends. 

When developing a digital marketing strategy, every company and brand needs to focus on mobile advertising and marketing. Everyone always has their mobiles in their hands and spends a significant time scrolling through various platforms. 

When developing websites for your company, you need to consider how the interface will look for the user. It should be easy to navigate and not be overwhelming with options and dropdown menus. If you don’t optimize your web pages for mobile users, you potentially lose half of your customers. 

Alina Zahid Khan

Alina Zahid Khan

Alina Zahid Khan is a storyteller, brand strategist, and growth manager at GoVisually. She loves creating value-driven content for creative professionals.
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